Contact Me

Office hours: Tuesdays - Fridays, by appointment. Closed Mondays, weekends and holidays.

I have a hybrid practice. I offer three types of meetings: telehealth, in office and walk and talk/outdoor. Meeting settings depend on client needs, schedules and preferences. Outside sessions are weather and air quality dependent.

Kindly leave me a private voicemail message at 415 335 8640. Send a secure email or log in to my client portal below.

New to my practice? Email me to schedule a free introductory call. Questions about insurance or fees? See my FAQ pages.

New Client/Prospective Client?

Complete the contact form below to connect. I will respond to your outreach by email.

Current or Past Client?

Sign in to the client portal to schedule or change appointments, access billing information, send me a secure email or securely upload documents.

Getting Here


My office is located on the corner of Sacramento and Laurel Streets in Presidio Heights. It is one block from Laurel Village, three blocks from the Jewish Community Center, and one block from the 1 California express bus.

There is metered parking on Sacramento Street and free 2 hour parking on the surrounding blocks. 

For public transportation trip planning visit


Call or text 988 to reach the Suicide and Crisis Life Line. Counselors at the Crisis Text Line and the Trevor Lifeline are also available 24/7. In San Francisco call child crisis services at (415) 970-3800. Do not attempt to access emergency care through this website.